Walton's Summer 08 Fun
We spent a week in beautiful and laid-back Lakeside.
Here we are playing cut-throat shuffleboard with Dawn and JP.
This is serious stuff ;-) Every inch matters!
Lakeside has a large number of Sunfish and Laser sailboats.
We can sail off into lake Erie and go for miles (Canada here we come!)
JP and I loved our sailing.
It is a beautiful little cottage - very quaint.
Bob as a architect, has re-done such a large number of Lakeside cottages.
He has single-handedly beautified the entire town!
It is only 3 blocks from the lake and an easy and delightful walk.
Silvia and Jim from Atlanta visited for the 4th of July.
Yes ... we did do the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame!!!
Yikes! is it July already??i
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